Fredericton IWW Organizer Training 101

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Fredericton IWW is pleased to host Organizing 101Image, our crash course on grassroots, direct action-driven solidarity unionism.


Dates: February 16th and 17th, 2013
Location: University of New Brunswick campus in an accessible location

This is a two day course on building power in your workplace from the bottom up. It focuses on techniques for building a committee of workers who are confident and capable of addressing issues in the workplace, and for overcoming obstacles like worker apathy, anxiety, and the bosses’ counter-organizing efforts. The course is free/donation, and is open to everyone –so please forward to anyone who might be interested!

Do I have to be a member of the IWW to attend? Absolutely not! The skills built in this workshop are useful to anyone interested in building power on their job whether it is in the context of an IWW campaign, an independent union, the mainstream labour movement or another formation.

We’re starting at 9am on Saturday the 16th and 9am on Sunday the 17th. There will be a social event Saturday night. Attendance for the full two days of the workshop is encouraged.

Food and coffee will be provided.

Registration at least 2 weeks in advance is mandatory. Register HERE.

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