Industrial Workers of the World Fredericton – Open Meeting

The IWW is Coming! Join the One Big Union!

Interested in the Fredericton IWW? Ever wonder what the Industrial Workers of the World are up to today?

Please join us for a small presentation on the Industrial Workers of the World, who we are, what we do and whats going on in Fredericton. Followed by a meet and greet / informal Q & A.

Date: Thursday October 25th, 2012
Time: 8:30pm-10:00pm
Location: 676 Windsor Street – Grad House Conference Room (Upstairs)

If you already know you would like to sign up or cant make it out and would like to speak to a delegate about joining please send us an e-mail at frederictoniww[at]

Hope to see you all there!

—What is the IWW?—
We are a union open to all workers, whether or not the IWW happens to have representation rights in your workplace. We organize the worker, not the job, recognizing that unionism is not about government certification of employer recognition but about workers coming together to address our common concerns.

I am a student, a retired worker, and/or I am unemployed; can I still be an IWW member?


I am a member of another union; can I still I join the IWW?


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